Interaction Design Research


Tim Moesgen is a PhD Student in the Wearable Systems Lab in Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. His research is about designing and developing novel haptic and multi sensory experiences. The research questions that drive his work is how can we access tacit knowledge about tactile and bodily sensations and use this knowledge for the creation of positive experiences with wearable and multi-sensory technology.

He is also interested in the influence of cross or multi-modal feedback when experiencing virtual environments. Or, how do certain sensory stimuli influence others? In particular, his doctoral project is on thermal sensation in VR and how temperature experiences will be influenced by visual, auditory or olfactory feedback. 🔥️☃️️


Since 2022 PhD (Technology), Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Finland

2019-2021 Master of Arts in Collaborative and Industrial Design, Aalto University, Finland

2015-2018 Bachelor of Arts in Media and Interaction Design, Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, Germany

©2024 Tim Moesgen